Philadelphia Eagles

Week 17 Recap – WFT vs. Eagles

Washington Football Team – 20

Philadelphia Eagles – 14

Win and you’re in. Lose and you’re going home. Well the Washington Football Team took care of business and the carousel of the NFC East continues as a new team sits atop the standings yet again. As ridiculous of a stat as possible, the NFC East hasn’t had a repeat winner since 2004. That’s 17 fucking years and a team hasn’t had the competance to win back to back years. What a shit show.

Your new NFC East Champions. The team with no name. The team with a racist, sexist owner. The team that sounds like they belong in the English Premier League. THE Washington Football Team. It was very fitting for them to be crowned champions in the year of our lord 2020. I mean this last year has been an absolute dumpster fire and this is about as dumpster fire of an organization as there is in the NFL. So it’s fitting. The man with 1 leg once again led the Football Team to victory as Alex Smith returned from his calf injury. Smith owns a 5-1 record on the season which is incredibly impressive considering the other quarterbacks hold a 2-8 record. He played a very okay football game tonight throwing for 162 yards 2 TD’s and 2 INTs. It’s not very often you see 2 interceptions following an Alex Smith stat line as he is one of the most overly cautious QBs of all time but it was one of those nights. It didn’t matter in the end as the Washington defense was absolutely swarming. The second half should have been a Thursday Night Football game as it was a snooze fest. A mere 3 points were scored in the second half and there were interceptions, and fumbles left and right. Painful football to watch. At the end of the day Riverboat Ron, propelled his team to victory and the Washington Football Team clinched a postseason berth.

While the New York Football Giants were intently watching this game, Philadelphia never got around to playing spoiler. The Giants took care of business in what was essentially a playoff game. This checks out because Andy Dalton is complete watertrash in the playoffs and played like it today. It was also a playoff game for the Redskins and boy did their defense show up. Jalen Hurts played awful and was pulled from the game to allow Nate Sudfeld (who?) to go in and do equally as horrendous as Hurts. Since Hurts wasn’t injured it is a surprising call by Doug Peterson to pull him as you may as well get your new QB reps. Overall, just an uninspiring performance by the Eagles who really had nothing to gain with a win, and now sit at number 6 in the upcoming draft. At the end of the day, this loss was a win.

This season has been all about overcoming adversity and Washington has overcome perhaps more than anyone. The team played without a name, Ron Rivera beat cancer, Alex Smith had one of the most insane comebacks in sports history, they cut their former first round hooker/stripper crazed quarterback and won the NFC East. The NFC East is a terrible division but still, the Football team did it. Congrats. Now, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are headed to town and are peaking at just the right moment. It’s gonna be a battle, but the Football Team’s defence is very formidable and need to have Brady running for his life to stand a chance.

Well the Washington Football Team did it. They overcame the odds and one the worst division in perhaps history. It must’ve been sweet beating the Eagle to do so but the celebration will be short as the preparation for the GOAT will need to begin asap. Let’s see how it goes for em.

-Yak Blunderland